Posts Tagged ‘Bipolar disorder’

What makes a good patient? I feel like I’ve been a bad patient lately. Why? Because I have doubt. I am doubting that the medications I am on are healthy or doing the great good my doctor is predicting. After being on drugs for so long, and being faced by a resurgence of my illness, I cannot […]

One day a young man heading home came to a wide and wild river. He stared and stared and stared, wondering how he was going to get across. It was impossible. Just as he was about to give up and turn back he saw someone on the other side of the river. The young man […]

“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more” – Shakespeare, Henry V Act 3, scene 1 Once, and many more times. For people with mood disorders: What battle do we wage? What foe do we face? What are we armed with? Will we win? What Battle do we wage? What foe do we face? […]

The headline for this post is from some picture I saw somewhere out there on the wild, wild, web. It’s true though –  hence the frustration. I myself have felt my mood swoop lower and lower in a matter of moments, and within a very short period of time I have found myself frozen in […]